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Okay Pala's speech | Demonstration Russian Embassy The Hague | HT Netherlands

Hizb ut Tahrir The Netherlands has organized a protest on the 24th of November 2012 in front of the Russian Embassy in The Hague against continuous arrests of its members in Russia.


Пятнадцать лет по всему Советскому Союзу учат язык (чаще всего английский), и никто его не знает, если только не занимаются дополнительно. Кроме какого-то десятка бессмысленных предложений, никто ничего произнести не может. Владимир Буковский — И возвращается ветер

So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable. Christopher Reeve (via J5OUcz5F7mY)

There are no human beings in Russia, so no need for human rights.

BBC Radio 4: The World Tonight - UK Muslims reactions to 'Innocence of Mohammed' video

Interview with Dr Abdul Wahid, Dr Nazreen Nawaz, Muhammad Jilani and Muhammad Omar of Hizb ut-Tahrir, addressing the issue of the 'Innocence of Mohammed' video and the reaction to it from Muslims around the world.

U.S.: Time To Dump Bashar, Moscow

The U.S. and Russia have been sparring all week over competing United Nations Security Council resolutions on Syria. The U.S. would like a mandate under Chapter 7 of UN law to intervene more robustly in what the Red Cross and other international aid groups are now calling a civil war between Bashar al Assad’s regime and opposition groups.

Methoxetamine AKA "roflcoptr" or "MXE"

In the light of recent events, it seems likely that some will be searching the web for information about a new legal high, "roflcoptr" or methoxetamine. I feel a duty to help disseminate knowledge to potential first-time users about this drug. My hope is that this thread can be a first port of call for those who want to learn about this substance. I will briefly outline my main points below, then expand in detail.

(4-MEC/830 mg) - First time - Tried 830mgs of 4-Methylethcathinone done over 4-hours

I am 39yo, 6-feet 3-inches tall and weigh 310lbs. I have never snorted any drug before trying 4-MEC today. I have not had alcohol or any other psychoactive substances in my system since december 2010.

Rajab Conferences by Hizb ut-Tahrir

Trailer for the 2011 Conferences by the Islamic political party Hizb ut-Tahrir. Six decades of struggle against oppression.

Does Islam Oppress Women Part 3

Debate between Secular Sue Mayer and Dr Nasreen Nawaz member of Hizb-ut-Tahrir Britain.

(5-IAI/70 mg) First time


Hi all this is my first post and first trip report on this forum, i am going to make this as accurate, honest and have as much information as possible